Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Annoying Guy

Enough has been written and said by local scribblers and pundits about the Bombers' woes on the field this season. So this post will be a venting session of sorts about the irritating season ticket holder who sits directly behind my friend and I in Section T.

A bit of history first. 

I've been going to Bomber games for a long time. I had season tickets for a few years in the early 2000s and have gone to most Bomber home games since 2006. 

Prior to the 2011 season, my friend Daryl and I bought season tickets, partially to be "in line" to get seats at the new stadium, Investors Group Field.

We had no real complaints last year. We were pleased with where our seats were located and got to know the regulars in our section. For the most part everyone was cool. There was the odd person that would walk in front of us during a play - a major no-no - but we could deal with that.

This year it’s a different story. There was a loud-mouth behind us at the first regular season game but, because he wasn't a regular from 2011, we wrote him off to being a single game ticket purchaser and therefore wouldn't be at the next game or at least wouldn’t be sitting in the same seat. We soon realized we were wrong, as "annoying guy" (which he will now be called) was back in the same seat at the next home game.

This fan believes that his knowledge of football is superior to that of the coaches. Far superior. When a mistake happens on the field, "annoying guy" will yell out both what the mistake was and how he would have made the right call.

Occasionally, Daryl and I will mutter a sarcastic comment to each other in response to something "annoying guy" has just said. Usually it’s along the lines of: “odd that the Bombers haven’t hired him to coach”. As "annoying guy's" comments get more irritating, our comebacks get more vitriolic.

Now, I’m not objecting to fans who voice their opinions. I am objecting to "fans" who take more pleasure in pointing out the home team’s faults than actually cheering them on. When the Bombers are actually making some good plays (which, admittedly, is a rarity this year), "annoying guy" is conspicuously quiet.

So, two things to look forward to next year: a new stadium and sitting far, far away from "annoying guy" (I hope!). 


  1. Love these "human interest" sports stories -- keeps the interest up for us non-sporty types!

  2. Nice! I guess you just have to think of it as free entertainment.

  3. A possible topic for your Blue Bomber assignment on Oct. 13.
