Friday, November 9, 2012


This is not a beer for beer aficionados. In fact, this beer is more suited for non-beer drinkers. My wife, for instance, likes this beer. She is not much of a drinker and when she does drink she doesn't choose beer.

Früli actually has strawberry juice in it which makes it sweet and gives the beer a reddish colour. It tastes sort of halfway between a cooler and a "real" beer.

At 4.1% ABV it is light tasting, but the sugariness turns me off.


  1. Hi Paul. Informative post.

    Anyhow, I've been reading your very descriptive beer blogs for a while now, and have found that your taste for craft brews is not unlike my own. I often find myself consulting your writings before a trip to LC to pick out some malted treats.

    Given your authority on these matters, and in light of your feelings towards the above blogged beer, Fruli, I have an etiquette question for you.

    What do you do while at a party and the host is handing out bad drinks (ex. bud light, Fruli, way too strong punch, etc.) and then proceeds to solicit a response about your enjoyment level of said drink, clearly looking for a positive one.

    Do you have any polite yet firm ways of telling the drink pusher that their drink is shite? Or do you just smile and nod then flush at first opportunity.... I appreciate any help on this manner.

    Thanks again for the beerformation

    Eric Busch

    1. I've been enjoying the beer reviews as well. To avoid the situation described above, I think its best to bring a beer/drink that you like.

    2. Thanks for reading, lads.

      Eric: I suggest that you accept the drink and then pass it off to an unsuspecting guest who cannot tell the difference between a quality beverage and any old swill. When the host asks your opinion, just smile and nod and then quietly move to a far corner of the room to enjoy something more to your liking (as Daryl suggests). For further, more expert, opinions on drink and the etiquette surrounding it, I suggest you read Kingsley Amis's "Everyday Drinking". The Ryan Library may have a copy that you can borrow.

  2. Or perhaps you could just tell the "pusher" you find the beverage putrid, that way it prevents a repeated drink. I swear you boys are so complex. Lol!
